Mar 4, 2022Liked by Luke O'Neil

Googling for a specific news story is a nightmare, because Google hasn't had to be the best or even good at search since like 2008, but this is close enough to what I saw on the dead tree paper in the lunchroom Wednesday.


I've been a lapsed catholic since before I was out of Catholic Middle school but at times "NE Irish Catholic" seems as much an ethnicity as well as a religion as Jewishness. Doesn't matter if you're observant or not you're still it. Otherwise why would this annoy me so much.

"Today is for reflecting on my mortality and Jesus's sacrifice and the vanity of temporal human pursuits, but also I have this schedule to keep! What, you want me to take an hour out of the day? Skyler's got soccer, Tyler has Mandarin lessons, and If I don't get in early to review the .ppt for the big presentation Jeff will have my ass in a sling! If only there were a way to acknowledge for one day a year that none of this means fuckall while still ticking off each box in the todo list! There's GOT to be a better WAY!"

Anyway, I look forward to seeing at least a few people who can't be assed to break stride on their way to the money factory to get their ashes on the news mawping and mewling about their 'sincerely held beliefs' to block the government from doing something it didn't want to do anyway, like acknowledging women's basic humanity.

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Luke O'Neil

feel like you shoulda had to put a disclaimer on this one at the top like "luke talks On The Beach, so any Gen X babies who grew up on every bit of nuclear horror fiction possible might want to skip this one rather than feel that shit again"

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Luke O'Neil

"Every day I become somehow less and more Catholic at once." gahh I didn't even realize that's exactly how I was feeling about Ash Wednesday until you articulated it. it's a fucked up feeling.

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Growing up, my father would take me fishing on the Susquehanna River in the deep, wide basin just above the Conoqwingo Dam above the Chesapeake Bay. Ospreys were everywhere, and it is inspiring and magnificent to see them hunt in person. Bald eagles were there, too. Lots of them, numbers of them that made my think maybe my textbooks were super outdated because they didn't seen endangered at all. Anyway, what we saw on two or three occasions was an bald eagle high in a tree lining the river waiting until an osprey had a fish before leaving its perch, dive-bombing the osprey. The osprey would drop the fish to defend itself or speed out of the way. The eagle would dive right past the osprey, grab the fish, and fly off. Even as a smart-ass kid I thought, Goddamn, did we pick the right mascot for America.

My dad ended up living on the water and would time the seasons by when different ospreys left and returned to their nests. Kept a notebook with all this indecipherable data keeping track of it. Anyway, what a pleasant way to start your (no offense) not usually pleasant at all (but excellent!) newsletter. Thanks, my guy.

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Love Raised By Wolves. Just finished the most recent one.

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