The week of the election in 2016, all my student loan debt got bought by NELNET. The relevant search terms are flooded with horseshit about whatever t______ is pretending he is going to do re pandemic debt, so I can't find any data. But I very clearly remember that whatever the fuck Nelnet is had financial ties to his campaign. I guess this is one step above an urban legend post, but it may be relevant on some level.

Also, they are loaning from inside the house, and when he went around to open the door, there was a loan hanging from the door handle. It happened to a buddy of mine's cousin's loans.

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I don’t think my parents even realized the predatory nature of school loans when I was encouraged to take them. There was also the double standard they set forth of “your only option is to go to school but we aren’t going to help you with it” and that started with the application process and learning how it even works—I was on my own to just ~figure it out~ like it’s a fucking LEGO and not something that my entire future financial security is hinging on. They are graduates but they both had insane security. One had a full-ride and one was a “legacy” student which meant they had a huge slash to their tuition from the get-go. I had help with some of the up-front costs from my grandparents, but now that I’m in the thick of paying this shit back, everyone’s just kind of shrugging their shoulders at me, like “you should have known when you signed up for it.” No, motherfuckers, I couldn’t have known because I was 17 and the only future planning you’d done for me is leave a box of condoms in my prom jacket pocket.

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I guess this, like so many things, must have changed in the eighties when industrial jobs began to disappear. In the sixties and seventies skilled labor jobs paid for my high school classmates to be the first in their families to go to college. And the economy still allowed others to make a few million...

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One lender once decided that instead of the monthly payment they were going to withdraw half the remaining balance, which I didn't have! I called to get some answers and the best they had was ah the past is in the past, let's look towards the future, together.

I called my school and they took care of it, but fuck them.

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