Also double fuck that Jess Arnold for her dogwhistle "This is what kids in DC face daily". Forgot that unprovoked mass shootings at public gatherings are a Black Crime thing.

Pro-tip for people who want to talk about gun crime, don't make a big deal about the municipality it happened in unless the specifics of the case are specific to that area. Since about 2010 I so much as hear a white person say 'Chicago' in a convo about anything but disgusting hotdogs, disgusting pizzas, gaudy McDonaldses or comedy and I immediately write them off as a Facebook poisoned boomer.

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I feel like I've been asking people who keep saying Covid is fine for kids "What about that Kawasaki Syndrome shit that was all over the news until about April 2020 where 5 year old kids would have goddamn heart attacks?" and getting not response for so long I'm half convinced I'm dead and in a Sixth Sense Scenario.

The crazy thing about this Wyatt kid's story is with the world we live in there's really no way of distinguishing between

"This is just an example of an unbearably tragic but almost statistically insignificant event that you hear about occasinally simply BECAUSE it's so tragic it's automatically news and but rare the news can cover every case without leading to exhaustion"


"This one instance got traction independently of the news cycle on social media so it had to be reluctantly reported on by this outlet, unlike all the other instances, which the editors squelch on the tacit order of the Billionaire owner who also owns a chain of like, charters or the company that makes the kiddie tazers school cops use to subdue recalcitrant individuals in police involved encounters in 3rd grade history."

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