
So, uh, 'I felt pride in the President of the US' is unacceptable and firing worthy. Unprintable slurs yelled repeatedly at kids on a student trip leads to 'discipline'

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My boyfriend has been trying to kill my hope in people and change for the longest time. Not in a depressing way (that's hilarious) but in a "get with reality" way. I'm a huge empath with a bottomless pit of hope with no evidence that it makes a shred of difference and it causes me so much distress. The last 4 years nearly killed me, and I felt relief for Biden and now, just days later realizing that it's going to just be more of the same shit while we fucktards tear each other apart. The fact that one minute thing sends us into a rage while destruction on a grand scale makes us yawn is one of the things I can't get my head around most days. I'm a new subscriber and I find your writing strangely uplifting. Love it. It's the closest thing I've found that expresses how I feel most days. Thank you.

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