Literally the one year anniversaries of the last time thing x happened had me thinking about how the first month or two had a frisson of danger that at least kept it interesting amid the fear. Fuck even the fear had adrenaline and the good kind of stress hormones. It was some swiss family robinson/oregon trail shit.

Heading out to the grocery store with a list of everyone in my bubble, bringing back food for the clan to keep everyone else safe.

Sitting out in the back patio of my apartment that no else in california uses because california people are uniformly wire-mothered alienated freaks who fear shared space, watching the dumb transplanted plants get leaves cause they don't know it doesn't ever get cold here.

Being a smug cynical blowhard fuck and saying that Trump is an idiot, this isn't going away once the weather gets warm in May the fuck is he talking about, we're gonna be dealing with this shit into AUGUST!

Now it's just the low level boredom, depression stress hormones that were already killing us before this started.

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Hey Luke. ..this was a good one! Thanks. Send my refund to the gofundme page for Rush...I bet there's one out there. I'm going to spend the rest of the day listening to Malcolm's speeches. Al ways helps.

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