Good one, Luke. I was reading "$500/month" and thought that seems really high. Then I checked my employer's rate and saw it was $470 and was like, "Damn". I'm on my wife's and don't remember how much it is off-hand but it's less than either of those. They've been on the "let's keep the premiums the same, but jack around the co-pays and deductibles." kick. Kind of like restaurants keeping their prices the same but making the portions smaller/cheaper ingredients.

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yeah it's more like $485 but still.

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No bargain, for sure.

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Luke never be this guy. Never be like him. Never get close enough to being someone like him you COULD like him. Bean Countery is the first step of a dirty journey

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yeah man i would like more people to read HW but i'm not gonna become like a data analytics turd to do it

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