I don’t know when I started recoiling at the sight of the flag, but I absolutely do. Seeing conspicuous Americana sets off some kind of fear response and I gotta hand it to my sympathetic nervous system on that one.

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Thank you, Luke. But fucking A. Fuck. Thank you. Fuck. Thank you for your writing.

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when i was in the netherlands in '95 i frequented a bar named "yanks" and they had a 6' tall replica of the statue of liberty standing outside their entrance w/ the torch replaced by a marijuana leaf. i got to know the owners pretty well during my stay there and they would consistently engage me in conversations about how ridiculous it was that the US would proclaim itself "the land of the free" and "the greatest country on earth". that was my first time traveling abroad and although i had started questioning shit as a bored teenager, seeing our country from a foreign perspective was definitely a wake up call.

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