I completely agree with that being the best sentence EVER, but I had to give a thumb's up to one of your followers for writing the 2nd best sentence in response :)

Chris “Little Richard started Rock n’ Roll” Heller @hellertime

"It’s depressing to know that being the heir to the bouncy house fortune is so unsatisfying you will still need to masturbate in public to feel something real."

Excellent work, as always!

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Another bulls eye Luke. Really enjoyed reading this, laughing out loud, pissed off, silently fuming, wishing more people will read you, remembering Lenny Bruce being harassed for using "fuck" in his routine, hauled into court for profanity, and him talking about real porfanity, which was the stuff he was ridiculing. Profane? You're very good at pulling the curtain back. Thanks. On another note...do you remember the original name of Deep Elum in Allston. Perhaps the best dive bar ever created, with a guy named Red behind the bar. His pour was deadly dangerous.

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Pretty high praise thanks man. Here, this if for you: https://luke.substack.com/p/there-was-a-lot-of-it-that-was-grungy

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