As a long time runner guy and a recent bad-back guy:

There's really no way to avoid loading your joints/spine, but proper running form, all the weight and impact should hit your muscles and tendons, not bones or joints. You want to land on your toes or at least flat on your feet, not on heel. Modern sneakers are getting better about not putting a big fat heel on the bottom so you heelstrike by default, but you should ask for 'zero-drop' or at least a minimal one when you buy em. Lots of shoes like that are zero-padding, but that's not necessary, Hokas are good fat ugly as sin shoes, and they put as much stuffing under your toes as your heel.

Formwise, you want a straight back, hips forward, arms at like a right angle, hinging at the shoulder, shoulders loose. Don't hunch your shoulders, don't cross your forearms across the midplane of your chest, don't clench your fists. Easiest thing to get yourself in the habit is imagine you're holding an egg in each hand. Don't crush the egg.

If you run too far, you get tired, your form breaks down, and thats when you hurt yourself. If you're too tired to maintain a non-shrimp posture, stop and walk, and go shorter next time.

Grass, dirt, rubber are all easier on the bones than concrete or asphalt, but more work for the tendons and muscles.

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So happy to see him talk shit about Trapt. I knew those guys and the lead singer was so full of himself it was unbelievable. I remember they were opening a show of ours in our hometown of Santa Barbara right after we signed our deal with DreamWorks. I told him my band got signed and he immediately went into this whole thing about all the showcase shows they had been playing and how they're going to get a deal or whatever. I didn't even get a "congrats" or a "cool." Plus their music was absolute garbage.

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